Monday, December 30, 2019

My Challenge For 2020: 5-10-15-20

I started 2019 with a Focus Four project where I chose four products each week to focus on. That project really helped me become more comfortable with having a small collection, and cycling through four different products a week meant that I learned a lot about what I owned. However, those of you who have been reading this blog throughout the year likely know that my interest in makeup has greatly diminished since the start of the year. This situation calls for a different kind of challenge, one that encourages me to use something, anything.

In 2020, I will be doing a new activity where I will pick four products or actions and challenge myself to do them 5, 10, 15, and 20 times. I'll still be picking four items, but it'll be changing on a monthly basis, not weekly. For January, my list will look like this:

5 - paint nails.
10 - use Urban Decay Rockstar eyeliner.
15 - wear eyeshadow.
20 - wear lipstick.

To specify, for paint nails I will count fingers and toes separately, so I might paint my fingers four times and my toes once, or three and two... You get the idea.

For the first month I've kept it fairly easy and vague. I'm still getting accustomed to applying makeup as much as I used to in previous years, and right now I just want the encouragement to do something, anything. As the year progresses, however, I look forward to my challenge getting more specific. Perhaps I'll choose to use a certain palette twenty times, or even a specific eyeshadow.

I'm excited to start this new challenge, and I'm ready to embrace more things that are "for me" this year. It's time for a change, so here we go 

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